There are quite a few here who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy.
Then there are those that have successfully faded.
Why the different outcome? Are the ones that got DF more out spoken? Or does the discrepancy lie with the elders?
It gives you more control and more dignity to fade out. I tried but because I was outspoken I got disfellowshipped anyways. As for discrepancy amongst the elders they are all the same with your experience being an exception.
I can see nothing in the elders handbook to indicate they must DF someone who is inactive or has left the org in the dust
In the 1980s, during their witch-hunts, they were coming to the houses of inactive ones and sometimes tried to make them sign a paper that stated that they were no longer attending meetings. If they signed it then the disfellowshipping announcement would be made.
They were treating inactive ones in the same manner as disfellowshipped ones.
I knew an elderly lady who was disfellowshipped for not attending the meetings.
Back in the early 90s when it was discovered I had read "Crisis of Conscience", they had a judicial meeting with me but basically told me to keep my thoughts to myself and they would leave me alone. Maybe that was on account of .my active JW wife?
You were fantastically lucky! In my judicial committee I told the elders that I was not promoting sects (they had read the scripture which mentions that). They responded by saying that I was "a sect of one".
I had a neighbor who got disfellowshipped along with her husband for reading that same book.